رائحة الكبريت تعبق في حلب
أبي استشهد والبيت احترق
ودميتي تفتت اشلاءها وتناثر قطنها
الغرب يشعل فتنه النار
ومن شعب حلب الحطب
لك الله يا حلب
The smell of sulfur piles in Aleppo
Dad died and the house burned
And my doll fragmentation of scrap material and the scattering of its cotton
West dissension ignites fire
It is the people of Aleppo firewood
You, O God Aleppo
The smell of sulfur piles in Aleppo
Dad died and the house burned
And my doll fragmentation of scrap material and the scattering of its cotton
West dissension ignites fire
It is the people of Aleppo firewood
You, O God Aleppo
عنوان الموضوع: "رائحة الكبريت حلب الحبيب / بقلم الشاعر وجدى مصطفى The smell of sulfur"
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